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November Tour among friends

Ocean Window Blogger

To catch the last sun beams of the year together and to experience some exciting dives, this is the motivation to spend one's time on a southern tour in Egypt in November - on a safari among friends. If you don't have any, you make some - a traditionally easy task on 'Blue Waves'. So

it came however, that some certainly had not made Poseidon as their friend. After a calm and warm first week of November, the sea became rough to the trip to St. Johns and back and conserved so many untanned faces as such.

Those who could recouperate from the mood swings of the god of the seas though, or were able to escape from them entirely, were compensated by all so picturesque dive sites. From the exciting 'caves' where underwater caverns with their winding turns were ablazed cathedral-like by the dancing light to the action-laden drift dive at 'Elphinstone' where a close encounter with a shark perfected the dive - there was everything for any taste. During our journey we were also escorted by a school of up to twenty dolphins at play.

This safari week stood under the, although little, farewell from our crew member and longtime friend Sabine who is about to leave for Australia for a couple of months. If you have no friends, make some - if you have friends, goodbyes are hard though...

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